Welcome to Kali_Port_Scanning developer documentation! ====================================================== About Kali_Port_Scanning ======================== Kali_Port_Scanning is a complex wrapper around the nmap command line utility. Current modules - BusinessUnit: Creates and structures data per business unit. - ScanObject: Holds the scanning information for each IP segment. - Emailing: Configures push notifications via emails. - HTMLGenerator: Programatically generates HTML output. - Log: Allows logging of key features. - Upload: Allows uploading of reports to DropBox. Kali_Port_Scanning's modules ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The full `source code `_ is availible on GitHub. The different modules are documented below: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 businessunit scanobject emailing htmlgenerator log upload server Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`